Why you should choose a business laptop

In this article, we will explain why you should ditch those typical, consumer-grade plastic laptops from the big outlets and opt for a business laptop instead. You know, the ones that pack a punch!

So, here’s the deal: most laptop makers have several different laptop lines. Some are meant for regular folks, and some are designed for pros. But guess what? You can benefit from a business laptop even if you are just a home user.

Consumer laptops are often all about looks (or a low price), while business laptops bring a sturdier build, more reliability, and a longer lifespan. Let’s use HP as an example. They’ve got Pavilion and Envy for everyday folks, and ProBook and EliteBook for the pros. The latter two? They’re the real deal – built for quality and longevity.

Now, even if your laptop use involves just emailing, browsing, and scrolling social media, you’d be surprised how much a productivity-focused notebook can boost your game without breaking the bank.

Here are the top reasons why you should consider a business laptop

Built to Survive

These laptops can handle drops and spills. More expensive laptops come with metal chassis that help them survive a fall. Some even have spill-resistant keyboards. Accidents like spilling coffee and beer on the laptop keyboards are common and will ruin most laptops… but not this one!

Lenovo ThinkPad Extreme Spill Test – YouTube

Longevity and Serviceability

Many business laptops have a bottom cover with easy access to RAM, storage and WiFi card, allowing you to do an upgrade quickly. Some even allow easier access to the fan and heatsink so you can remove that ball of cat fur! Consumer laptops are much more difficult to open and work on – all in the name of thinness and low cost!

Matte Displays with better viewing angles

Glossy screens look nice until you step outside or work in a bright room. Matte displays might be less vibrant, but they’re your best friend in various lighting situations. You can often see your reflection on some glossy touch screens!

Top-Notch Keyboards

If you’re a typist, you’ll want a good keyboard. Typical laptop keyboards have a very low vertical travel distance, making typing less precise. Business laptops usually have keyboards with snappy feedback and travel that feel like a normal keyboard. Most also come with a backlight, allowing you to use them in darkness.

Multiple Pointing Options

Consumer laptops are often stuck with touchpads, but business models (particularly Lenovo Thinkpads) often throw in a pointing stick. Not everyone’s a fan, but it’s a traveller’s dream to use it on aeroplanes. You can also move the cursor around without having to move your hands off the keyboard

Easily Replaceable Batteries

Modern laptops come equipped with sealed-in batteries. After a few years, batteries lose their capacity. Replacing one requires disassembling the laptop, which is much easier on a business-grade machine. Also, because these laptops are serviceable, parts are available for much longer. We can still buy batteries for laptops over 10 years old – not that we recommend using such old machines!

Say No to Crapware

Ever take a moment to glance at the software lineup on your brand-new laptop? It’s like a digital treasure chest, right? Most laptops arrive pre-loaded with a bunch of programs that you will likely never use. Sure, a few might be genuinely handy, but let’s face it, a good chunk of them are just digital clutter. Think trial versions of antivirus tools like Norton, McAfee, and TrendMicro – they tend to hog space and annoy you with upgrade prompts. You probably won’t find any of that bloat on a business laptop!

Biometric Security

Most business laptops have a fingerprint reader, allowing you to log in to your computer with just a finger swipe. Fancy new models even have cameras with face recognition, so the second you open your laptop, it’s already logged in! No more need to try to remember the password.

Budget-Friendly in the Long Run

Business laptops often sport a heftier price tag than their consumer cousins. But here’s the kicker: they’re built to go the distance, which can actually save you a lot in the long haul.

You could opt for that budget-friendly $800 laptop that will last for a modest three years, leaving you with a growing sense of frustration. Or you could get a $1600 business laptop. It might sting initially, but guess what? It will easily last over five years and deliver a smoother, more enjoyable user experience.

Sometimes, shelling out a bit more upfront is the smarter move!

Bottom Line

Choose your next laptop wisely! Skip the big box stores and get your laptops from reputable IT companies. You can even order them yourself online from Dell, HP or Lenovo. Want the best advice on what to get? Come talk to us!

P.S. If the wallet’s feeling a bit light, remember we’ve got a stash of refurbished business laptops that won’t break the bank. Plus, they come with a one-year warranty! 😎

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