Blog - Refurbished computers save money

Whether you’re concerned about your wallet, the planet, or simply making a wise investment, this article explores seven compelling reasons why sticking with your current device or opting for a refurbished one might be the smarter choice. Read on to discover how you can save money, reduce waste, and support your local economy, all while still enjoying a top-performing computer.

1. New Computers Lose Their Value Quickly

Buying a brand-new computer is much like purchasing a new car – it loses value almost instantly. Within the first year of ownership, a new computer can depreciate by nearly 50%. When you consider that decent new computers start at around $1500, the financial impact is significant.

On the other hand, opting for a refurbished computer allows you to get similar or even better specifications at half the price. Not only do you save money, but you also get more value from your purchase, making refurbished computers a smart choice for budget-conscious consumers.

2. New Tech Is Harmful to the Environment

When you discard an old computer, it often ends up collecting dust in your basement or garage, or worse, it gets sent to a landfill. While recycling might seem like a responsible option, the reality is that only a small percentage of electronic components can be effectively recycled.

Plastic cases, outdated parts, and batteries pose significant challenges, as they cannot be recycled economically. Choosing to refurbish or repair your existing computer can help reduce your carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable future.

3. You Probably Don’t Need a New Computer

The excitement of owning a new computer often fades when you realize the setup process can be tedious and time-consuming. In many cases, the new computer isn’t much different from the one you’re replacing. For most users who primarily browse the internet, check emails, and perform basic office tasks, any computer made in the last five years will suffice.

4. You Haven’t Maintained Your Old Computer

Much like a car, a computer requires regular maintenance to run well. Installing random programs, neglecting file organization, and skipping regular tune-ups can lead to a slow and cluttered machine. If you don’t maintain your old computer, it’s likely that your new one will develop similar issues over time.

By taking the time to care for your current device – such as organizing files, cleaning out unnecessary programs, and performing regular software updates, you can extend its lifespan and improve its performance. Regular maintenance not only saves you money but also helps you get the most out of your technology investments.

5. New Computer Warranties Are Often Unreliable

Many people assume that purchasing a new computer comes with the security of a reliable warranty. However, the reality can be far different. Tech support can be frustrating, with long hold times, multiple transfers, and overseas call centers that may not provide the help you need.

Often, you’re told to ship your computer back to the manufacturer, which can result in data loss if you’re not diligent about backups. There are countless stories of users having their hard drives replaced multiple times within a year, only to have their data wiped each time.

In many cases, a simple SSD upgrade could have resolved the problem without the hassle and risk of data loss. Instead of relying on a potentially unreliable warranty, consider upgrading your current computer for better performance and reliability.

6. You’re Setting a Poor Example for the Next Generation

Our consumption habits have a profound impact on future generations. By constantly upgrading to the latest technology and discarding old devices, we send a message that it’s okay to waste resources and contribute to environmental degradation.

If you’re concerned about climate change and sustainability, it’s important to lead by example. In the past, people were more inclined to repair broken items rather than replace them. Unfortunately, many modern electronics are designed to be disposable, with limited options for repair.

Cheap new laptops are pretty much disposable, with plastic cases, weak hinges, design choices that don’t allow easy repairs, and parts being unavailable after just a few years of production.

7. Supporting the Local Economy

Australia does not manufacture computers or electronic components, meaning that most of the money spent on new computers goes overseas. While this does support jobs and economies in other countries, it doesn’t contribute to the local economy.

By choosing to buy a refurbished computer or repair your existing one, you can invest in your local community. This supports local businesses, creates job opportunities for skilled workers, and keeps money circulating within the economy. Plus, you’ll still get a high-quality product that meets your needs, all while supporting the economy close to home.


By considering these points, you’ll see that opting for a refurbished computer or maintaining your current device is not only financially savvy but also environmentally responsible and beneficial for the local economy.

We sell refurbished laptops and desktops with a one-year warranty and can help you choose the best one for your needs, transfer your data and programs, and set it up the way you want it.

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