Is your computer hacked

Has Someone Hacked Your Computer? Very Unlikely…

Almost every week we get calls from alarmed people suspecting their computer is hacked. Somebody is spying on them and doing something nefarious. Could it be true? Yes. Is it? Very unlikely!

Windows 11 annoying bugs

5 of the Biggest Windows 11 Issues Microsoft Needs to Fix

Windows 11 packs lots of new features and improvements over its predecessor, Windows 10. From the new UI to the Android app support (not quite ready yet), there are many reasons for you to transition to the new OS. But before you do, there are some issues that you need to be aware of.

Free email support

How Secure Is Email?

Email was invented back in the 1970s and 80s – when the need for security and confidentiality wasn’t as important as it is nowadays. The good news is that most of us are not interesting enough to be at risk of being hacked…

SSD Upgrade to speed up slow and old computer laptop

Revive Your Slow Computer – Offer Inside!

Old age creeps up slowly – unless you’re a computer.

Then it seems to happen overnight. One day you’re logging in normally and jumping right into the action, the next day booting up takes so long you not only have time to make a cup of coffee, you could have run out to a local takeaway!

Tips for Safe shopping online

Stay Safe Shopping Online This Holiday Season

Shopping online has become a popular way of buying both necessities and gifts, especially in the last few years. Retail research tells us that over 75% of people are shopping online each month, and, with the holiday season upon us, you’re likely to be one of them. But don’t let the appeal of convenience distract you from the need to stay safe when shopping online.

set up a new laptop - transfer data, install updates and antivirus, configure backups

The New PC TuneUp

How exciting! You got a new computer for Christmas. It’s sleek, shiny, and so much faster than what you had before. That’s great, but it doesn’t mean you should leave it untouched. This article shares several steps you might take to secure your data and keep that new device in tip-top shape.

buying tech in time for christmas

Buying Tech in Time for Holidays

Christmas time is back with us again.  The latest devices and gadgets are hitting store shelves just in time to keep up with the rush.  Magazines, television, and the web are brimming with advertisements and reviews of the latest tech your money can buy.

Windows 11 - wait our upgrade

Why You Might Wait to Upgrade to Windows 11

In the last month, Microsoft has been rolling out the next iteration of its operating system, Windows 11. Of course, new = better, right? But, when it comes to Windows 11, you may want to consider waiting. Here’s why.

SSD failure warning signs

5 Signs Your Solid State Drive is Failing

Upgrading your slow computer with a Solid State Drive (SSD) will give it a new lease of life. You will get much better performance, battery life, and reliability. However, even SSDs aren’t immune from failure. Are you worried your SSD will malfunction and break down and take all of your data with it? Look for these warning signs.

What is the best antivirus for Windows and Mac

What’s the Best Anti-Virus?

We get to hear this question all the time, especially after people have been hit with viruses or malware despite having paid for an expensive antivirus package! Unfortunately, there is no objective answer. It all comes down to opinions. We will tell you ours…