Blog - Refurbished computers save money

1. New computers lose their value quickly

Just like a brand new car that you drive off from the dealer’s lot, new computers lose almost half of their value during the first year of ownership. Decent brand new computers start at $1500 or more, and you could pick up a refurbished computer with similar or better specs for half the price.

2. New tech is bad for the environment

Where do you think your old computer is going to end up? Chances are, it’s going to sit in your basement or garage, or be sent for recycling, or even end up in a landfill. Only a small proportion of electronic components can actually be recycled, and stuff like plastic cases, outdated parts, and batteries are relatively useless and can’t be recycled economically. The long term implications for throwing away things can be disastrous!

3. You probably don’t need one

Sure, it’s fun to have new stuff but the novelty factor wears off pretty quickly when you realize how much hassle it is to set up everything from scratch again and end up with a computer not that much different from your old one. If you do what most people do with their computers, like browsing the Internet, checking emails, and doing basic office tasks, almost any computer made in the last 10 years will do.

The most common reason computers become too slow is outdated storage, such as hard drive. Unfortunately, these are still popular with sub $1500 models! Replacing your hard drive with a Solid State Drive (SSD) can make your old computer run just as good or even better than a new one.

And if your old computer isn’t worth repairing or upgrading, you can consider refurbished computers. Every computer we sell comes with a one year warranty, super fast solid state drive, and useful software installed.

4. You haven’t maintained your old computer

Just like cars, computers need proper maintenance and care. If you install random programs and utilities, don’t take time to properly organize your files, don’t take your computer for a regular tune-up and cleaning, what makes you think that your new computer won’t develop the same issues?

5. The warranty doesn’t count for much

Have you ever bought a new computer and then tried to get tech support or get something fixed? How was your experience? After waiting on hold for hours, doing several transfers to overseas based call center employees, they just tell you to bring the computer back to the store you bought it from and it will be shipped to Australia. Good bye your data, unless you’ve been backing up diligently! We’ve heard horror stories where people had their hard drives replaced several times within one year, wiping all of their data when systems get reset to factory settings. A simple SSD upgrade would have likely solved their problem.

6. You are setting a bad example for the next generation

I believe it’s important to train our children to see us living sustainably and responsibly. Worried about climate change? Stop consuming and throwing away junk! Back in the old days, if something was broken, people fixed it. Unfortunately, most electronics nowadays are made disposable with no service parts available but we are the ones telling manufacturers it’s ok to produce useless plastic junk. We vote with our wallets, whether we realize it or not.

7. It’s good for the country economy

Australia doesn’t make computers or any electronic parts for them. Every time you buy a new computer, most of your money ends up overseas. Sure, it provides other people with jobs and food, but wouldn’t you rather invest in your local economy, where you can directly see the benefits? Buying a refurbished computer or getting your old one repaired supports the local economy and creates job opportunities for skilled workers.

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